Thursday, July 18, 2013

YAY...getting our house refinanced...

Got the good news today.....and I am so happy and had to share.  Today we got the call that our loan on our house has been approved.  Its so weird because a few years ago, when the housing prices were up, our house was worth over $400k.  Today, its worth $225k, what does that tell ya!  But the good thing about it, is we still have some equity.  We have lived in the money pit of a house for just over 21 years now. We were young and stupid when we decided to buy this house...but that is life.  Seems weird to refinance now, but we put it on a shorter loan and the monthly payment is still less than what we currently are paying... So that really is some great news!  We need to redo our front and back yard so desperately.  They are both not pretty at all.  I can not wait to have my yard back.  We used to have these ugly trees in our yard but we had to get rid of them...roots were nasty!  So after that, we had no trees , no shade and so the yard went south and turned into a weed factory.  It didnt matter what we did to keep it looking good because the weeds moved in and being that it gets so hot here in the summer, you cant really do much in the way of yard work.  Spring time is lots of rain, soggy muddy yard...then it dries up some and POOF...weeds!  Our neighbor across from us and behind us have the same problem...I think we just share the wealth of weeds...

So now you know all about our weed its going to look great once we get all the work done on it.  I might just show the before and after... hmmm...

Ok, off to creating again.  My summer is running out of time fast then back to work I I need to take advantage of every minute I have..

Have a great day!!!

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