Saturday, March 19, 2016

March Madness...

OOoohccie wa wa!!!...its been way too long since I have posted...daaang!  Well...I will be honest with you... I have been focusing alot of my extra time on my website.  If you havent been to visit my website lately, stop on by and see my new look.  WINGSNSCALES It is far from being done...there is sooooo much to do.  I want to eventually have my own shop instead of going through Etsy...  So, Ive been taking these awesome online classes on how to do my website better and how to get myself out there a bit more.  I have a new pop up that invites you to my newsletter...  I am working on my first real newsletter and hope to have it out there by the end of this month...  I would love to have you come join my newsletter...  Ive actually teamed up with my BFF in NY...but she has had some not so good things going on right now, but when she is back on track, you will just love what she has to offer.

I hope you guys are all doing is so full these days we forget to think of take some time to yourself and do what ever it is you love to do.

One thing I have been doing is making more of my cork bottle dolls... This one is called Niahm.  I have her on my website and there is a little blurp on her...

I have agreed to make 30 art dolls by late November so they can be in an auction on Facebook...Yea.30 of these babies...well...different sizes and some will be glass I will keep you posted on that  progress.  I have 2 in the makings at the moment...

In the mean time...I would love to have you stop by my site...say HI...join my newsletter.... if you want...  OH..

I would also LOVE to get some FEEDBACK..  If you leave a comment here or through my comment page on my website.(make sure you let me know you are one of my blog followers)..K......
I will send you a discount code to my Etsy shop...and get a %15 discount... 
this discount is only for my blog followers ...  Also if you want to see any other content that is not listed...let me know too...  If you sign up for my newsletter, you will also be receive one of my awesome hand scrub recipes...

ps...some pages do not have any content yet...soon....  :-)


I will have more questions for you soon... more discounts will be offered...and possibly a giveaway...oh them giveaways... lol