Here is a photo of my Dotee Exchange Doll. I have not picked a name for her yet. I will wait til my mind can think a little more clearer. Its been a week tomorrow since my surgery. I am feeling better now. Its the most painful surgery I have had yet, and hope I dont have to go through this again. I am being good although I have bumped it a few times which I pray to God I dont do again. Good thing is I am able to go without my sling for hrs. at a time. Im getting better atyping with my left hand too....
I am still planning on creating an on line course as to how to make my glass bottle dolls. I have it in the makings and once I am able to type normal again, I will hsve it done in no yime. I will put a photo of her on the site once she is ready to be submitted....
more later...hugs,